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Cells: the unit of life

You might be only 10% human


You are not all human. You aren’t even mostly human.

The combined number of cells from microscopic organisms in the human body – such as bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses – vastly outnumber human cells. Some estimates suggest it may be as much as 10 to one, others are more conservative. But whatever the precise figure, the fact is, we're out-gunned. These organisms make up what’s called your ‘microbiome' and your body contains about three pints of it. The vast majority of these microbes are bacteria – and we carry around 100 trillion of them. That’s 100,000,000,000,000.

But don’t worry – they aren't all bad. Quite the contrary. You need most of these bugs to lead a healthy and happy life.

Intrigued? Click here to find out more!

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