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Your amazing body as a system

Does The Nose Sense Only Smells?

The nose does not sense only smells. It also enables us to recognize all the tastes in the food which we eat. When we chew, some smell particles (odour molecules) of food rise up into our nasal cavity, which is connected to the throat. In a small area of this cavity, at eye level, there are numerous little olfactory cells (olfaction means smell). These cells have tiny little hairs called cilia. As soon as odour molecules come in contact with the cilia, the cells send a nerve impulse to the brain, which identifies the taste.



Smells reach the nose through the air. Substances release molecules which enter the nose. Here the smells are analysed by cells in the nose so that they can be recognized by the brain.

Why do we get hiccups?

Hiccups can be really annoying and hard to get rid of, but do you know why they happen? Find out the answer and learn more about how your lungs work at the same time.

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